A mental health trust in the North of England had a long-held ambition to modernise its adult in-patient estate as the current facilities were designed for a different model of care and are not of a high quality from which to delivery modern, patient-centred care. They came to us, through Citycare, to help them find a way forwards, building on our existing role as their strategic estates partner.

The challenge

The Trust currently runs over 100 in-patient beds, from a number of different sites across the area, meaning services are fragmented and lack consistency in the way they are delivered, as well as logistical challenges with staffing and estate management functions. Additionally, the Trust’s facilities are often housed in ageing buildings, which aren’t designed for their current purpose and have a range of backlog maintenance-related issues.

Four consultants around a table look at some documents

The solution

Our support to the Trust centred around the programme management and drafting of two core outputs – development of both capital and service planning business cases. In terms of the capital business case (SOC), our role has been to assemble and manage the wider professional team, leading stakeholders including strategic objective setting, planning consultations, the options appraisal process and preparation of the capital funding application. The SOC was utilised to support the New Hospitals Programme (NHP) capital funding submission, and therefore had to align with relevant HM Treasury Green Book and NHS specific business case guidelines.

The service planning business case (PCBC) built on the work being undertaken for the SOC, but focused more on the service delivery models, and included a large amount of engagement with three core groups (staff, service users and wider stakeholders) to ensure that the views of all groups were considered.

the result

The extensive consultation work for the PCBC, and rationalisation of objectives and aims that came from producing the SOC, allowed the Trust to clarify exactly what they wanted from their large-scale transformational project.

Our team’s expertise in health service change, transformational health projects, and understanding of the way the organisation works has allowed the Trust to move on with its project, which is currently being submitted to the ICB as part of their capital pipeline planning process.

Discover more about our work on health business cases.